Tiger/Nelson Talks. 2016
Patient Care Environment Initiative 2015
www.louisnelson.com Web Site design 2015
World War 1 Memorial Competition. 2015
One World Explorer. Sales Space 2014
One World Explorer. 2014
Sutter Gold Mining. Mine Site Exhibit. 2012
Sutter Gold Mining. Dedication plaque. 2012
BlueRock. Re-Branding. 2011
Monuments of the Heart. Book manuscript 2010
Korean War National Museum. 2009
Family Advisory Council. Children’s Hospital. 2007
NY Presbyterian Medical Center. Consulting. 2007
PATH Murals. 2007
University of St. Thomas. Edward P. White Memorial. 2007
42West. Logotype & Collateral Materials. 2006
JFK JetBlue Yellow Garage. 2006
Strive. Logo Redesign (pro bono). 2006
NHC. Donor Recognition (pro bono). 2006
Logan International Airport. Phase I. 2006
Vanguard Health Brand Master Plan. 2005
Times Square Shuttle Station. 2004
Fulton Street Transit Center. 2003
NYC Housing Wayfinding. 2003
World Trade Center Memorial. 2002
Pentagon Memorial Concept Entry. 2002
R+R 90th anniversary Party at Hickey freeman 2002
Howard Beach NYCT Station. 2002
Wild Flower Festival Graphics. 2002
Windows of Hope. September11Family Relief Found. 2001
R+R 90th Anniversary Logo & Brochure Series. 2001
Wild Flower Festival. 2001
PA World Trade Center Ferry 2001
AirTrain JFK. 2001
Brody Brochure. 2000
Wildflower Logo & Stationary. 1999
Yogi Berra Museum. 1999
Capital Properties Concept for Building Identity Plaza & Lobby Exhibit. 1999
RMP Concert Advertising Campaign. 1999
R+R Manhattan Map Brochure. 1999
Dorothy Papadakos CD Designs. 1999
Jamaica Station Information Design. 1999
Moonstone identity. R+R. 1998
Brochure pieces. R+R. 1998
Concert brochure. RMP. 1998
Shouse WolftrapRemembrance consultation. 1998
Dag Hammerskjöld Medal. United Nations. 1998
DeWitt Stern web page. 1998
Documentary proposals. Monument, Wall etc. 1998
Jamaica Station Light Rail System consultation. PANYNJ. 1998
Wedding. 1997
World War II Memorial studies. 1997
Alaska restaurant. Select. 1997
Web Page. Richter + Ratner. 1997
Parkers Lighthouse consultation. Select Restaurant. 1997
Ancillay materials. Central Park Conservancy. 1996
Annual Report. Central Park Conservancy. 1996
Korean War Veterans Memorialdedication. 1996
Rusty Scupper special effects and sculpture. Select Restaurants: 1996
International Arrivals Building re-life. JFK PANYNJ. 1996
Creativity Museumconsultation. Milkin Families Foundation. 1994
Prudential SkyWalk exhibition. Select and Prudential. 1994
Ames Wall Sanctuary consultation. Geo Vroom. 1994
Annual Report. Central Park Conservancy. 1994
Holiday windows. Steuben. 1994
JFK sign systems. PANYNJ. 1994
Advertising study. MTA Zoetics. 1993
Identity. Water Street Productions. 1993
PATH sign system study. PANYNJ. 1993
Marketing program. Richter + Ratner. 1992
Magna bicycles product line. 1992
IDSA Bronze Apple Award materials. 1992
River. Tennessee Aquarium feature event. 1992
Discovery Center. Proposal. Library of Congress. 1991
Capital Program book design. WASA. 1991
Coca-Cola Bottling Museum. 1991
Brochure. Magna bicycle line. 1991
Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation. 1992 event materials. 1991
Identity. Richter + Ratner. 1990
Geo Washington Bridge office environmental graphics.. 1990
Book Shop. The Hill Group. 1990
Judy Collins. Album cover. 1990
Packaging system. Musco Olive Products. 1990
Stadium signs. Forham University. WASA. 1990
Identity. The Goldman Group. 1990
Korean War Veterans Memorial Mural. Start. 1990
Garden Calendar 1992. Mutual Benefit Life. 1990
Magna bicycle line. Dynacraft. 1990
Identity. Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation. 1989
Traveling exhibit. Napa Valley Grape Growers Assoc. 1989
Bell Labs. Lobby exhibition. 1989
Identity and showroom. Baracutta. 1989
Hoban Center consoles. PATH. 1989
Michelle Pheiffer residence. 1989
Cosmetic Product. Judy Collins. 1988
Sanity & Grace album. RMP. 1988
LIRR advertising consultation. MTA 1988
PATH signage. WASA. 1988
Statue of Liberty Restaurant. The Hill Group. 1988
Marketing brochures. Los Angeles Conservancy. 1988
Girl from the West. Video. Judy Collins. 1988
PATH OIC work stations. 1989
Editorial Guidelines. Annual update. IBM. 1987
PATH control consoles. Macro. 1987
Street Signs. Grand Central Partnership. 1987
Wine Medallion. CMSI. 1987
Equimarkgraphics. Billie Brown. 1987
Kurzwell annual report. 1986
Real Estate & Advertising Study. MTA. 1986
Trust Your Heart album design. RMP. 1986
Wine Exhibitio. California Museum of Science and Industry. 1986
Theater Exhibition. USIA. 1986
Communications Museum master plan. 1985
Grand Central Station mezzanine environmental graphics and mural. 1985
Editorial Guidelines. IBM. 1985
BiCentennial of US Constitution. USIA 1985
Nottaway Master Plan. 1985
TV City Book. Trump Organization. 1985
NYC subway standards manual and advertising prototype. 1984
Society for Savings bank merchandising and interior design. 1984
Sabine Hospital Identity. 1984
RiverWest Hospital Identity. 1984
USIA Performing Arts exhibition. 1984
AT&T Berkeley Heights World Headquarters special exhibit system. 1984
NYC subway Grand Central Station mezzanine art, signs and environ. Graphics. 1984
IBM world editorial guidelines book design. 1984
USIA Constitution Bicentennial exhibit. 1984
Nottaway Master plan. 1984
Bell Labs megabit chip exhibit. 1984
Rolfs packaging and merchandising plan. 1983
Venture Foods identity. 1983
NYC 5 subway stations. 1983
The Arbour identity and brochures. 1983
Thornel Gardening Calendar. 1983
Judy Collins Home Again album cover. 1983
Bridgway identity and brochures. 1983
CherAmi Foods packaging. 1983
Ramsey Hospital Corp identity and stationary. 1983
AT&T Los Angeles Olympics exhibition. 1983.
Metro North Grand Central Terminal north end extension. 1983
Rocky Mountain Productions identity and stationary. 1982
NFPA posters. 1982
AT&T micro exhibit. 1982
Win Lose Draw off Broadway stage design. 1982
National Shirt New identity and namedevelopment. 1982
Qualicare. Management evaluation of HRI, Boston. 1982
Bridgway identity. 1982
NYC Subway passenger information system. 1982
Reno Ramda Marketing plan. 1982
RRHC interior design, graphics and advertising. 1981
Lincoln Westgraphics Gruzen/V. 1981
NFPA exhibition. Learn Not To Burn Center. 1981
Reno Ramada Hotel and Casino master plan. 1981
World Trade Center holiday decorations. 1981
Corning sun glass showroom. 1981
Lane Bryant interior planning. 1981.
Richter& Ratner brochure. 1981.
Reno Ramada Hotel & Casino. Masterplan and public space. 1981
Judy Collins Album. 1981
Wallach surgical ophthalmic system product. 1981
Corning. W.C. Decker Engineering Building. Sculptures, environ.graphics signs 1980
Qualicare Employee Assistance Program. 1980
IDEA data communications terminal. 1980
Louis Nelson Associates Inc. begins. 1980
FDA labeling standards. 1979
National Shirt Shops master plan for stores. 1978
Dept of Justice master plan for stores. 1978
Oh! MyGoodness noodle packaging. 1976
New Country Yogurt packaging. 1976
Schaper toy packaging. 1976
Corning New Product Line. 1976
Lane Bryant master plan for stores. 1976
US Pavilion. Okinawa. OceanEarth. 1975
Telephone & Telephone Store campaign. 1974
AT&T annual meeting. 1974
No Nonsense automated packing machines. 1973
Head tennis rackets. 1973
Virginia Transpo 72 exhibition. 1972
Head air blatter boot. 1972
Head sportswear packaging. 1972
Head Sportswear packaging. 1972
No Nonsense name, logo and package. 1972
NFPA campaign 1972
At&T operator services facilities and guideline. 1972
Galliano packaging. McKesson 1970
Head Ski Design. 1970
Xerox microscope and de-ionizer. 1970
HL&P 1969
Houston Lightning & Power Energy Control Center. 1969
Louis Nelson and RobertP Gersin merge. 1968