Louis Nelson’s office guides people through complex transportation connections at the World Trade Center site in post 9/11 downtown.
Mr. Nelson has been designing complex transit connections in lower Manhattan—from the subways to the waterways—starting with the master plan for downtown one week after 9/11.
Pathfinding for these downtown connections over multiple levels has required extensive study of passenger navigation and information devices. Nelson has designed directional signs and station identification signs for a network of 12 subway lines, the PATH train, and the World Financial Center Ferry Terminal. As construction continues, this achievement of connecting commuting in lower Manhattan marks a milestone of redevelopment after 9/11. The first stage of rebuilding is marked by the completion of the construction documents for the Fulton Street Transit Center, which connects the 12 subway lines mention above.
Helping people find their way© is an abiding principle at the Nelson Office, where experts in the science of Information Architecture are guiding users through complicated public spaces such as subways and airports throughout the country.